

Unofficial program retrieving 360 official screens to create a GIF with a Mii rotating around one or more axis.

Website presentation.
Explanations about the process (in French).

Step 1 : Select an official Mii picture URL (picture available here for example).

Step 2 : Select the settings of the Mii to retrieve.

Transparent Visible

Step 3 : Select the settings of the GIF to create. 100 10

Fixed axis values in degrees : No fixed axis.

Fixed axis values in degrees : No fixed axis.

Fixed axis values in degrees : No fixed axis.

1 16

Step 4 : Click on Generate when all parameters are selected, then wait (operation could take several minutes).

Step 5 : Wait a moment, the GIF and the link to the ZIP file (with the GIF and the screens) will be soon displayed. Screens retrieved, GIF and ZIP are processing ...
Download the ZIP file.